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Inlet Air Filtration
Inlet Air Filtration
New inlet systems to suit any environment and turbine model, static or pulse style.
The complete Inlet Air solution is arranged as shown in the adjacent video [edit clip of old video to end at 1:22], including weather hoods, additional stages of filtration and moisture control.
No inlet system can be efficiently designed to handle all extremes of atmospheric conditions. In fact, many turbine filter house systems are upgraded or rebuilt, after they have been commissioned, with additional equipment or systems to improve operating performance of the gas turbine.
For example, turbine output and heat rates are improved as compressor inlet temperature decreases. Lowering the compressor inlet temperature can be accomplished by incorporating an evaporative cooler or inlet chiller in the inlet air system.
Conditions that include excessive ambient air dust concentration may benefit from removing higher volumes of larger dust particles, with the benefit of extending the life of higher efficiency filtration components.
Moisture control is another challenge to many turbine inlets, which can benefit from the application of coalescing systems, fog elimination, or droplet eliminators.