FS Flachschlauch-Staubabscheider
FS Flachschlauch-Staubabscheider

Dry Sorption

In the dry sorption process, acidic noxious gases (e.g. HCl, HF and SO2) are neutralized with the help of basic absorbents and thus converted into salts.
The dry sorption process is individually tailored, taking into account the specific needs of the customer. We offer the following processes:

  • Dry Sorption with hydrated lime
  • Quasi-dry sorption with hydrated lime
  • Quasi-dry sorption with hydrated lime and humidification of the recirculate
  • Trockensorption mit Natriumhydrogencarbonat (NaHCO3)


  • Wastewater-free process
  • Low investment, operating and maintenance costs due to simple design and operation
  • Low infrastructure costs due to the compact design
  • Optimized sorbent consumption and minimized residual waste generation

Contact us to create your custom solution

Call us at: 704-859-2723 or fill out the form below.

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