ASME Pressure Vessels
ASME Pressure Vessels

HPC Series Dust Collector Solutions

MikroPul specializes in the design and production of solutions to meet ASME BVLC Section VIII, Division 1, Pressure Equipment Directive (PED) 2014/68/EU and DIN EN 14460. Solutions can be up to 25ft. (7.5m.) diameter, up to 725 psig (5.0 MPa) and 600C

Petrochemical Applications. Our customized HPC series solutions meet the stringent requirements of licensors in Polyethylene (PE), Polypropylene (PP) and Purified Terephthaic Acid (PTA).

Other common applications include spray drying, coal grinding, food processing.

In chemical applications our solutions enjoy a long successful operational history in Carbon Black and TiO2.

Our high pressure collectors are equally at home in compliance or product recovery applications. Baghouses can be built with a wide variety of materials (carbon steel, 304SS, 316SS, Alloy 2205, and titanium), modified with various inlet designs and provided with either side removal or top removal design with lift off head.

Typical bag counts range from 1 to 900.

All products are thoroughly tested prior to shipment, including pneumatic tests, weld tests, radiographic testing, operational and functional testing.

Contact us to create your custom solution

Call us at: 704-859-2723 or fill out the form below.

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